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The Waterloo Partnership AGM 2013

Held on 19th September, the eighth Annual General Meeting of the Waterloo Partnership was an opportunity to record our achievements, thank our supporters and look forward to the challenges of the forthcoming year. The business of the meeting began with a message from ‘Badara’ Mansaray, the Chair of our partner committee in Waterloo SL. He paid tribute to our fundraising efforts, particularly the ‘head spinning’ Cathedral abseil, and emphasised the importance he placed on transparency and accountability in all that we do together.

In reviewing the past year it was clear that, like many charities, we had experienced a fall in donations because of the financial climate. We must continue to ensure that our projects in SL are sustainable, and that our fundraising keeps pace with expenditure.

This year we had seen three trustees stand down, Jane Roberts (Hon Sec.), Chris Price and Jane Giess.  Thanks were recorded to all three for their valuable contribution to the work of the Partnership. Two new trustees were elected and welcomed: Peter Harvey, a journalist, and Martin Shackleton who has a background in management and finance.

The meeting finished with a presentation by Rick Walker, Hon. Treasurer, entitled ‘Beyond Price’. He reviewed the cost-effectiveness of our project work over the past four years, e.g. – 40 vulnerable schoolchildren had been educated each year (£17,000), three school premises completed (£21,000), five bridges built (£35,000), two wells dug (£9,000), and a new community bakery provided (£4,000). Much had been achieved in a short time, at a very modest cost.

We now look forward to our next AGM; on 18 September 2014.