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Betty close to realising her dream, thanks to pupils at Sacred Heart Catholic College


Read about the College’s fantastic fundraising on behalf of the Waterloo Partnership’s educational projects, initiated by David Moorhead. Betty Nichol is one of two teenagers whose schooling was sponsored by the Waterloo Partnership,and which is now funding their nurse training.

Head of RE, Mr Moorhead, said: “These children (in West Africa) are currently living on the streets and we could change their lives forever.

“Betty Nichol was one such street child that the charity sent to school and now she is at university studying to be a nurse.” The money was raised by collections during Form time, in the canteen and at a Lower Site disco, and Mr Moorhead has thanked all those who helped out with the fundraising.

He added: “Thank you to everyone who helped in any way, especially to those who helped make the disco a great evening. The money will make a huge difference to the poor in West Africa.”

Fred Nye, from the Waterloo Partnership, was also quick to praise the students’ efforts, he said: “We are grateful to Sacred Heart for supporting sustainable development in Waterloo, Sierra Leone, still one of the poorest countries in the world.”

The fundraising news does not end there, though, as the final figures from the charity events carried out over Christmas reveal staff and students helped raise a magnificent £4,040 for the Waterloo Partnership.

That astonishing amount, a record for the charity, was reached when 40 students from Years 11 and 12 volunteered to bag pack for two days over Christmas.

One of those involved was Andrew Doyle (11D), who explained his reasons for helping, he said: “ I took part in the bag packing because those in Sierra Leone need the money much more than I needed two hours on a Saturday.”

Andrew’s sentiments were echoed by Helena Mimnagh (11H), who added: “We have so many luxuries that children in Sierra Leone, who are just like us, don’t have. So, for me, it was time to give something back and help those less fortunate children.”

Similarly, Christian Pinnington (11H) wanted to ‘make a difference’, he said: “I did the bag packing because I wanted to help to make a difference, especially before Christmas.”

A further £200 was raised by staff and students from selling Christmas gifts.

Pictured above, is Betty Nichol.